
Teradata is a massively parallel multiprocessing database and analytics platform.  It has the same functionality on-premise or in any cloud platform.  In order to develop and test i use "Teradata Vantage Express", a free, fully-functional Teradata Vantage database that can be downloaded from the "Teradata Developer Portal".

Information and software on this web site are provided under the Granite Mountain Informatics LLC End User License Agreement (EULA).

Send questions or comments to GraniteMountainInformaticsLLC@gmail.com.

The Teradata Developer Portal is the source for all public domain documentation and software.

Contains all the publically available software from teradata.  To download requires that you register as a teradata developer.

How to install Teradata Vantage Express on your computer.

How to connect to the Teradata Vantage Express VM from your computer using SSH.